Why Bitcoin’s price is volatile
Of the many criticisms of Bitcoin a persistent one is the volatility in price. There are many key factors that have historically caused or have been correlated to the volatility…

Will Bitcoin be the new safe haven asset?
There are many skeptics of the international coordinated response to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. The shared criticism from these skeptics, that include respected economists, billionaire businesspersons and the world's…
The Accidental Bitcoiner
Through our daily research in the world of finance, geo-politics, and macro-economcis we come across interviews and research papers where the author either inadvertently, or despite themselves and their objections…
Editorial: More Hedge Funds to invest in Bitcoin
Hitting social media this week is news of two influential hedge fund managers investing in Bitcoin. George Soros, whom for most people would not require an introduction, has given the…